Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEence to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions
Progetto NATALIE addresses the risks posed by climate change and its impacts and proposes to advance the concepts of “ecosystem-based
adaptation” in Europe combined with climate resilient development pathways, as the means for impact driven Nature-Based
Solutions (NBS), to accelerate and mainstreaming the adoption of NBS for resilience to climate change, which is also the cornerstone
identified in the recent IPCC AR6 WGII Report. NATALIE will deliver innovative and practical innovations in co-creation of solutions and
stakeholder engagement, modelling, testing, monitoring and validation mechanisms that will support regions and municipalities to
plan and develop adaptation actions bringing along valuable knowledge and experience as actionable knowledge for adaptation and
impact-driven NBS.
To achieve this goal, NATALIE will develop a transformative NBS booster pack of 25 actions (innovation solutions that address the key
six levers for transformative change: (1) socially acceptable, smart and financial innovative solutions; (2) societal, stakeholder and
citizen engagement; (3) larger systemic solutions at regional level; 4) monitoring, evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of solutions;
5)pre-feasibility study; 6) evidence-based outcomes and recommendations. The main goal is to accelerate and foster the
mainstreaming of NBS, by forming an ecosystem based adaptation for regional resilience. The booster Innovation Package includes
innovative technical, modelling and IT solutions (including an innovative NBS knowledge booster and digital twin), governance,
policy recommendations at EU and regional level, financing and public engagement transformative solutions. 18 NBS measures will
be demonstrated at 8 case studies, in different bio-climatic regions of Europe in Greece, Romania, Latvia, Canary Islands, Belgium
(Flanders), France, Norway and Italy (Veneto region), as well as five follower regions in Iceland, the Balearic Islands, Romania, France
and Lithuania).